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Vertical Absolute believes every neighborhood deserves to thrive and gain Health-Equity for Built-Environment community wholeness. The resources available to confront those challenges are disappearing while the need keeps expanding.
Our methods inform knowledge learners of the planning, preparation, collaboration or prevention process for repairing the past and growing the future.
Vertical Absolute methods require active participation from parents guardians and people in the community to include individuals and business owners, who value local and rural environments, horticultural education and response to health-trauma, emergency preparedness and circumstance solution that establishes a feeder system designed for legacy change.
The total community involvement of global team building, has a foundation in the speed of trust. Collaborative living will drive down disease and health disparities with proven innovative prevention methods.
Vertical Absolute is leading and building consensus through community engagement response to collaborate with allies and implement a response-civil solution approach to identifying value centered from residents.
Vertical Absolute builds skills in knowledge learners our health guest attendees, to gain skills for best response and how to solve problems, defy disease through prevention, up and away from crisis to clarity.
Vertical Absolute is capturing evidence that will achieve the most effective and efficient results so youth, parents, policymakers and corporations can make better decisions. This proposal may sound like common sense but currently they do not correspond to the current norms of the home-field, private and for-profit or nonprofit and public sectors. Vertical Absolute believes both economic and a moral imperative is in place for achieving impact and believes with unlimited purposeful funding, thought impact minded youth and adult getting knowledge at Vertical Absolute, would gain the responsibility to design systems that will deliver the best results for beneficiaries, transforming neighborhoods and individuals.
Vertical Absolute holds people accountable for solution successes, survival seeds, engaging neighborhoods, emphasizing this is a continuous process that aims to generate the support necessary for long-term re-route. Vertical Absolute as stated so well by the Stanford Innovation Review, "intended beneficiaries are not just to participate in a social change initiative but also to champion it."
Your contribution will enable us to support our response to emergency learning center for youth, familes and our workforce. Join the fun and continue to support funding for ribbon cutting day!
We are very grateful for your generosity.
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Vertical Absolute Global Consortium and 7-A Consultancy, division T.P.A. Capital Foundation aims to model, expose and polish skills of professionals, advisory staff, managers and supervisors at the Industry Farm and the School. Our desire is to see this system duplicated. TPA aspires to build many more USA locations, and live life from continued purpose and abundance. Vertical Absolute through the vehicle of the built-environment has begun to change, the way we look at multiple chronic disease and cure.
TPA Capital Foundation will seek capital in order to create any number of opportunities for different types of people. Allowing all people to contribute back to society and exchange meaningful contribution. Post secondary inclusion and global and local workforce ready.
See our plans for the first ever to our knowledge ever, industry farm and college-style prep school campus on rural land. TPA Capital Foundation will provide for a center of building economy, organic produce growth and farm industry to benefit local, public, regional marketing and sales.
Our participants benefit from self-concept, solid determination-worth training, corporate mentor-ship and professional school supply chain inclusion improvements made easy by our ready to take webinars, academic learning, industry farm school, weekend or day- retreats and e-pamphlet practical canvasing events.
TPA Capital Foundation approach is to prioritize:
1. Match, Meet, Master and Methods of Food growing, combination and distribution.
2. Launch a pipeline academy for school aged children from age 8 years up to high school for professional employment success.
3. Installation of a state of the art industry farm campus, yielding organic produce and orchard trees with sales to local community and regional outlets.
This business model, will afford youth-adults to include disabled people, meaningful untapped possibilities, experiences and employment.
#The Purple Afro Capital foundation is sharing its ideas and perspectives on addressing "youth workforce readiness" health disease disparities, fostering respectful and thoughtful well meaning conversations during workflow, so healthy work-culture with corporations will disengage negatives and improve critical issues. TPA when hosted during a speaking event across the nation or by zoom, has continued to assert one human kind health-equality, neighborhood-mobility, built-environment and liberty.
Why purple? - Purple is the symbol of a royalty and regal movement, It is also a color to represent unity. The distinct color that the 'tola worm' expresses when crushed. A diverse consortium of knowledgeable stakeholders now must come to the table and create a foundation to ensure readiness in youth ability for critical thought in local neighborhoods or in global community.
Why afro? -Afro a hair structure is a free flowing with balance regal resiliency and pattern of simple retractable structure growing from the human body apart from areas of glabrous/ skin and composed of protein. The display is undefined but has the role of an important function in societal social functioning. Hair in Biblical writings reflects ones Character. Hair inspires and grows from the root in the base shaft and gets pushed up, when displayed, hair often accomplishes validation, similar to what Human-kind across the globe and in every land must achieve.
Validation, One Human-frame.
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Enlarging ones Response and Preparedness through Vertical Absolute tools will impact human behavior and fundamentals of community across the USA. Everyday living and learning for best lifestyle is the requirement.
During 2022 PHI Founder was selected as National Nonprofit GirlTrek, Fellow, State of Arkansas, Coach of woman and girls. Goals of Neighborhood Audit, Strategies of Ills and Projects (Story-tell, Hygienic Snack, Service Beautification of Community, and Stroll Intentional Health Healing Walk.
The initial steps toward approaching cities for this Big Social determinate has been made. Through this '22-23' collective we have successfully outreached to 35 neighborhoods and 65 merchants and presented in-person sessions to nearly 800 persons considered over/under-looked and having health disparities. In 2023 the galvanizing of resources for community-led development of better regulatory agencies and civil service agencies addressing quality (air, food, soil, water and infrastructure.
Giving individuals and principled parents reflective reasoning of the mind, character/personality, while in natural surroundings.
During Vertical Absolute workshops, we allow for problem solving, exercise and building empathy.
Vertical Absolute accepts that service learning and community engagement is apart of effective built-environments. in Neighborhoods, will be through the Development of Policies that Promote and Sustain No Longer Health Trauma to Historical Vulnerable Underserved Urban and Rural Cities in the United States.
Only to exponentially Advance the Quality of Healthful-living Lifestyle, and address the lacking of the underserved and unsheltered infant, youth or adult.
The unimproved Built-Environment hinders Outdoor Health Leisure (air, soil, water, sound) for Collaborative Continuity and balanced Equity.
"In the moment of Crisis, Strategic Cross-Generational Youth Leadership Intervention is the requirement.
Solid-Worth, Improved Prevention Guides and Purposeful Media, with Actionable Measurable events this will fully support diseases decline in vulnerable populations at all ages.
Zoning-Stigmas Encroaching the Human-Frame and Society that cause Pollution due to Zoning-Stigmas is for you and our children's children to resolve, NOW!"
- Vertical Absolute Founder
Copyright 2004-2030 all rights reserved. Written permission required.
God the Father
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